
Small Signage Package

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Only have space for something small? Check out our smaller signage that is guaranteed to fit in all the key locations for your store -- and, even more importantly -- still drive sales from your Frazil machines.

This package contains the following items:

1. Sampling Kit - A powerful tool that has driven success in thousands of convenience stores for years (qty: 1).

2. Small Window Sign - A surefire way to attract old Frazil fans as well as introduce curious new ones (qty: 1 - in sampling kit).

3. Hose Squawker - An easy-to-use outdoor marketing option to entice people who are filling up their car to go inside and fill themselves up with flavor (qty: 8 - in sampling kit).

*The cost of the materials and shipping is free of charge for machines on the bundle program. Customer owned accounts may be charged for shipping before materials are sent. A customer service representative will provide the shipping cost once the order is placed.